Saturday, March 2, 2013

Read -a- Thon Winners

Congratulations, Class 5-307! You read SO many minutes.  In fact, you read the most minutes in the whole school.   And congratulations to Noa for reading over 5,000 minutes and reading the most minutes in the 5th grade!

Read-a-Thon Winners:
3-5th, congrats to Noa - 5-307

Winning classes that will get to read to Principal Havlik are:

PK -110 - with 3,306 minutes
K-109 - won with 6571 minutes
1-202 - won with 6,374 minutes
2-207 won with 7,399 minutes
3-304 won with 30,168 minutes
4-303 won with 28,600 minutes
5-307 won with 48,451 minutes

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