Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our First Trip!

Class 5-307 will be visiting Manhattan's Museum of Natural History on October 16th. We are very excited about supporting our Social Studies Curriculum by observing the Global Peoples exhibits. We want to remind the students and parents that safe and respectful behavior is expected on this trip as well as all class trips.
Hall of Northwest Coast Indians
We will be sending home notices shortly. You can read more about the museum on their website.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Stretching Out Our Small Moments!!

We are beginning to draft our Edge-of-your-seat Small Moments.

You can discuss these small moments at home. Here are a list of "small moment" qualities:

Small Moments:
- are personal narratives - stories about ourselves
- are written from the author's point of view
- describe one tiny piece of time
- use sensory details, similes, and personification

During drafting, students use timelines and other graphic organizers to sequence events and add details.

We will be publishing by Mid-October!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Curriculum Night - September 26th!

P.S. 154 will be holding its annual curriculum night on September 25th at 5:30 p.m. There will be two half-hour sessions that describe our units of study and some of the fifth grade events.

Mark your calendars!

Middle School Fair!

Please join us on Thursday from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. for our Middle School Fair. An overview of the application process will be given, as well as a list of dates for school tours. We will also be establishing a fundraising committee for the fifth grade's special events.

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Units of Study

For the duration of September, class 5-307 will be studying the following in our core subjects:

Reading: Enriching Our Readerly Life / Book Reports
Writing: Edge-of-your-seat Small Moments
Mathematics: Number Theory and Estimation & Computation
Social Studies: World Geography

There are several links below that you can use to practice classroom skills and strategies:

Writing A First-Rate Book Report

Enhancing Reading Comprehension

Writing Units of Study

Math Games

Math Games - Flash

National Geographic Maps