Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oregon Trail Links

Use the links below to complete additional research to plan for your Oregon Trail Journals.

Historic Sites along the Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail - the Route, Supplies and Hardships

Oregon Trail Landmarks

All About the Oregon Trail

Pioneers - by students for students

Journals written by students

Pioneers Games and Toys

What Were the Pioneers' Lives Like on the Trail?


Just some news coming your way:

*We've sent out notices about this Friday being our First Fridays planting day, but Ms. Matz, a member of our school's stellar garden committee and 5-307 parent, won't be able to make it. Therefore, we will be moving our First Friday for March to next Tuesday, March 6th, at 9:30 a.m., and Ms. Matz will be assisting our class in gardening. We welcome any parents and family members who can join us! If the switch is a big problem, please let me know. Otherwise, we will switch the days and have a typical Friday morning here in 307.

*Read a Thon forms are due! I've received only 3 Read-a-Thon logs from students, and they are due tomorrow (Wednesday). Students can transfer the minutes read from their standard reading log to the Read A Thon log, but you will need to initial on the log as well. You don't need to donate money to be part of the Read a Thon, but I would like for all students to complete a Read a Thon log.

*Report cards will likely go home on Monday, March 12th, and Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, March 13th. Yes, already! A note will be going home shortly.

*Upcoming trips:
-Plymouth House (March 14th) - note to go home shortly
-Library - March 8th
-Green-Wood Cemetery - March 27th

*Spring Break (April 6th - April 15th) will be here before you know it! If you are interested in hosting Bun-Bun for a buncation during the break, please let me know.

*FYI - the state test dates are as follows: ELA - Tues. through Thurs. 4/17 - 4/19, Math - Wed. through Fri. 4/25 - 4/27.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you for sending in such yummy and thoughtful treats. The students took home bags of valentines and goodies. Have a great evening!

And join us Thursday at 10 a.m. for the latest library trip.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Newspaper share!