Monday, April 6, 2009

Fifth Grade Events (for now....)

Friday, May 8th: 5th Grade hosting the mother's Day Plant Sale in the School Yard.

Friday, May 29th: 5th Grade Trip to Poconos. Chaperones needed!

Tuesday, June 9th: Kickball Game with 5th Graders versus Staff.

Wednesday, June 10th: 5th Grade Luncheon at Bay Ridge Manor (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

Wednesday, June 24th at 9:30 a.m.: Graduation at P.S. 295/New Voices Auditorium.

Also, Ms. Fought is collecting digital photos of our 5th grade students from years past. They can be emailed to Photos that need to be scanned should be given to Emma Meyerson in Class 5-305 as soon as possible. Please be sure to put your name on the back of any photo you turn in so that it can be turned in to you.

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